Collaborative Web Analytics Implementation

Dig deeper into who is responsible for the web analytics implementation

Collaborative Web Analytics Implementation
Written by
Andrew Gerhardt
Published on

This year at MeasureCamp London, our Digital Implementation expert, Andrew G. spoke on digital analytics implementation and asked the pivotal question 'Who is responsible for the Web Analytics Implementation'. His talk shed light on the critical role of collaboration between developers and digital analysts.  

With over thirteen years of hands-on experience in the industry, Andrew speaks on the nuances of this crucial partnership, emphasizing the need for a division of labour and a holistic approach to analytics implementation.

Watch the full talk here!

What is covered in the talk

Andrew traces the journey from archaic hard coding methods to the development of more sophisticated global JavaScript solutions like Sky Tags through to a full TMS like Adobe Launch. Acknowledging the past prevalence of the 'no code tag management' philosophy, the talk debunks the notion of an either-or scenario, advocating for a more balanced approach. This is an essential tenant of division of labour.

Drawing attention to the staggering ratio of developers to digital analysts in the UK (58:1), this underscores the necessity of effective collaboration, demonstrating how a unified approach to implementation can yield optimal results. Emphasizing the distinctive responsibilities of developers and analysts, the talk delineated the core duties of each role, elucidating the significance of a seamless integration between the two.

Some key takeaways:

  • The need for a collaborative approach to implementation, wherein developers focus on fundamental coding ,system maintenance and data layer creation while technical analysts delve into data delivery, data formatting, SEO, architecture, and KPIs.  
  • The importance of a collaborative mindset, advocating for a cohesive environment where the strengths of each team member can be effectively leveraged.
  • Practical strategies for effective collaboration.
  • Development of reusable and centralized utilities, and the critical role of these tools in streamlining the data collection process, thereby enabling consistent and accurate outputs.

This talk also sheds light on the various methods employed for efficient implementation, including the use, benefits and challenges of where these centralised utilities should be built within Adobe Launch (data elements, rules, and extensions). Andrew stresses the need for future-proof planning, underlining the importance of building a sustainable framework that can adapt to the evolving needs of the digital landscape.

You can watch the full talk here. Get in touch with us if you would like to know more!